Ruagra is a generic medication used to treat erectile dysfunction and impotence, and one of the active ingredients in this medication is Sildenafil. These pills also contain Ginseng and other herbs which may help with these conditions as well. Each pill will contain 25 mg, 50 mg, or 100 mg of Sildenafil, and this medication is packaged in a four pack. The blister pack with a foil backing protects the pill but keeps any unwanted elements out.
The 25 mg Ruagra pill is pink in color, and has an egg or oval shape. This is usually the first dose prescribed, and the most common dose used. The back of the foil back will show the drug name and strength, as well as other important consumer information. Each four pack of this medication will also have an expiration date printed on the package back, as well as other essential manufacturing and packing information.