Product description
Viagra Soft
Real name of Viagra Soft is Sildenafil Soft. The brand name is used only for your convenience to ensure that you clearly understand what you buy.
Just another form of sildenafil for dissolving under the tongue. Because of the more complex production technology, it is a little bit expensive than standard viagra, but with its higher price, you get such benefits as:
- due to it dissolve under the tongue, it begins to act faster: from the moment when you put it in your mouth.
- it has no side effect on gastrointestinal tract and you can consume alcohol (oh yeah!) and enjoy fatty foods, while conventional tablets are not recommended to take with it.
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Generic Sildenafil Soft is one of the first sublingual drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The use of the drug affects the physical mechanisms of natural erections. This enables a man to gain an erection at the right moment, or whenever certain sexual stimulants are present. The drug is normally used in men suffering from erectile dysfunction caused by vascular diffusion or psychological origins.